Vision Statement
A world in which people (who are in financial need and live in our area of benefit) in need of housing accommodation are provided with it.
A world in which people (who are in financial need and live in our area of benefit) in financial hardship or distress or who are sick, convalescent, disabled or infirm have their hardship, distress or suffering relieved or their recovery assisted.
Mission Statement
In pursuance of our vision:
We will contribute to the provision of housing to people (who are in financial need and live in our area of benefit) who are in need of this.
We will make housing-related grants to people (who are in financial need and live in our area of benefit) – e.g. when they cannot afford or otherwise obtain appropriate floor coverings and other such housing-related essentials.
We will make grants to people (who live in our area of benefit and are in financial need) which will relieve their financial hardship, distress, or suffering.
We will make grants to people (who live in our area of benefit and are in financial need and sick, convalescent, disabled or infirm) which will relieve their suffering or assist their recovery,
We will make grants to organisations whose work seeks to achieve the above.
In relation to all of our grant-making, to both individuals and organisations, we will:
…ensure that our eligibility criteria and application processes are clear, simple, transparent, non-judgmental, and waste as little of our applicants’ time as possible
…review our grant-making and associated policies and procedures on an ongoing basis and change and adapt these as appropriate in response to changing need and other relevant information